Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sebuah Karya Kecil Untuk Dunia. ( A Tiny Master Piece For The World )

      Dear diary,

      Today I want to share something that I share this morning to BM Sukma School in Medan city on a mission of INLA Goes To School. 


      Friends, if we try to do some calculation about how many rices that had been throwed away everyday in Indonesia, we will know something awesome. let's check it out...

Nowadays, the total population in Indonesia +/- 250,000,000 peoples.

      Usually, we are taking 3 meals a day and if in every meal all the people did throw away the rices that we eat ( we talk about the cooked rice ), even it's just a grain of rice. That's mean every people had thrown 3 grain of rice everyday. So the calculation will be like this... 

3 grain of rice/day x 250,000,000 peoples in Indonesia = 750,000,000 grain of rice which had been throwed away in everyday.

      INLA ( International Nature Loving Association ) especially in Medan city are really serious... in doing research about this matter and come out with a fact that 1 Kg rices are equall to 49,898 grain of rice which we can rounded it up to 50.000 in other to make it easier to count. So roughly, ( We said it roughly it's because in reality every people will not just leave 3 grain of rice a day, some of people can be more than 3 grain, and maybe some of them can't even calculate how many grain of rice that they leave it on their plate in every meal that they have. ) the calculation will be... 

750,000,000 / 50,000 = 15,000 Kg ( 15 ton ) grain throwed away every day in Indonesia.

      Basically, 1Kg is enough to feed 10 peoples, if we throw 15,000Kg in a day, that's mean we are as Indonesian people can feed...

15,000 x 10 = 150,000 people a day. 

      If the people around the world which are 6,5 billion throw away just 3 grain of rice everyday, so 1 day all the people around the world including us will throw away 390,000 Kg (390 ton) of rices, which enough to feed 3.900.000 people around the world!!! Amazing right ?

      Ironically, based on the statement from FAO ( Food and Agriculture Organization ). Everyday, it's about +/- 40,000 people all around the world is suffering and dead because of food crisis. All my beloved friends and all the people who read this article, This condition is so Ironic, many people are suffering out there and dead everyday while we are abundantly throw away our food for nothing!!! This is the actual fact that we are facing together!!!

Do we have solution ?

      Yes, we do! Stop to throw away any rice in every meal that we have. Start to feel grateful for everyhting that we already have in ourlife, and the  last thing that we have to do is spread away this fact to the world, let all the people know about what we have done, let all the people know about the mistake that we did together, and let all the people help each other to change our old behavior to a new one which can save many people's life, so in the future we can bravely say NO! To the food crisis! 

Heal the world... make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race, there are people dying if you care enough for the living, make a better place for you and for me. ( by. Michael Jackson )



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